员工竞业禁止协议 (中英文),员工竞业禁止协议

发布时间: 2014-09-16 10:18   来源:
关键词: 员工竞业禁止协议 (中英文),员工竞业禁止协议

员工竞业禁止协议 (中英文),员工竞业禁止协议

Employee Non-solicitation Agreement

This Non-solicitation Agreement dated (Date) is made between (Employee) and (Company) whereas (Company) has offered to employ (Employee) in its (Location) office; and whereas (Company) will be revealing to employee existing pricing structures to customers, marketing strategies, overall pricing and service strategies for new business and existing business, and putting employee in contact with (Company)’s existing customers in order to develop (Company)’s goodwill and customer relations so that the employee can promote (Company)’s interests and objectives; now therefore in consideration of the mutual benefits and premises made herein, the hiring of the employee by (Company), as well as the salary paid from time to time for the employee’s services, (Company) and the employee agree with each other as follows:

The employee understands that (Company) is a profit corporation which must work in a competitive environment and is entitled to limit reasonably an employee’s unfair competition following the end of the employee’s employment. As a result, the employee agrees as follows:

Employee agrees that for a period of months after resignation or termination with or without cause that he/she will not directly or indirectly solicit business from any client or customer of (Company), whether potential or otherwise, with whom he/she had dealings during his/her employment with (Company);

The employee agrees that for a period of month after resignation or termination with or without cause that he/she will not directly or indirectly entice, encourage or otherwise ask current (Company) employees to leave their current employment to work with or for another business that competes with (Company);网站建设

Employee agrees that for a period of months after resignation or termination of employment with or without cause that he/she will not be employed or associated with any competitive business or enterprise which has a former employee of (Company) who is subject to a similar restriction which has not expired where he/she being so employed or associated with that person my cause substantial damage to the business interests of (Company). This clause does not prevent the employee from working with a competitor of (Company) except in the circumstances described.

The employee acknowledges and confirms the scope of this undertaking in respect of its area, time and subject matter is no more than what is reasonably required to protect (Company); and

This agreement in no way relives the employee of any fiduciary obligations the employee owes to (Company).

This agreement shall be governed by the laws of (city/province) and the laws of (country) applicable therein.

Any claim or dispute arising out of or related to this agreement or its interpretation shall be brought in a court of competent jurisdiction sitting within the Province of .

The employee acknowledges that he/she has been invited to obtain independent legal advice as to the terms of this agreement.

The terms of this agreement are severable. The invalidity of one clause does not invalidate the agreement.德州扒鸡加盟

Employee Date:

Company Date:

in contact with 与……… 有联系

The Seller shall keep in close contact with the agent or the Buyer.


Promote 促进

Nowadays, Valentine’s Day has become a good chance for stores to promote the sales of their goods.


Mutual benefits 共同的利益

Both countries are bound by traditional economic and trade ties based on equality and mutual benefits.


Be subject to 服从于

The schedule is subject to change without notice.



本协议由 (员工)和 (公司)于 年 月 日签署。鉴于公司将向员工透露现有客户的定价结构、市场策略、以及对新业务和现有业务的所有价格和服务战略,使员工和公司现有的客户建立联系,以便扩大公司的声誉和拓展客户关系,从而有助于实现公司的利益和目标;因此,考虑到双方的利益和公司对员工的聘用以及薪金的支付等前提条件,公司和员工一致同意如下:


无论有无原因,员工同意在辞职或与公司终止合同后 个月(竞业禁止期间)内,不直接或间接从公司的客户处获取业务,不论是潜在的业务与否,也不论在其受雇于公司期间与何人交易;

无论有无原因,员工同意在辞职或与公司终止合同后 个月(竞业禁止期间)内,不直接或间接诱使、鼓励或以其他方式有求公司现任员工离开公司与公司的竞争对手合作,或为竞争对手工作;

无论有无原因,员工同意在辞职或与公司终止合同后 个月(竞业禁止期间)内,不直接或间接为下述雇主工作:任何公司的竞争对手;或任何雇佣了公司的前雇员,且该雇员同样受本协议有效期间的限制,如果受雇于该家公司或与该前雇员合作可能会给公司的商业利益带来严重损害。除上述情况,本条款不限制员工为公司的竞争对手工作。


本协议应遵守 (国家)或该国 省现行法律的规定。因本协议或其解释引起的、或与本协议及其解释有关的任何索赔或争议应提交 省法院解决。



员工: 公司:

日期: 日期:







曲琳婕:英语学院国际新闻与传播专业学生,曾获校奖学金,曾任英语学院团总支学生会学习部委员,《First Mover》系报副主编。曾是IDEA-BFSU 国际辩论赛志愿者和印度班加罗尔AIESEC Footprint 项目国际志愿者。







院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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