Dream Girl – A Speech Draft

  作者: 傅琳娜   2010-07-13 17:43  字体:

Hi My Dear Friends,

How are you?


Do you still remember that Dream’s Girl, who admires Martin Luther King’s speech, I Have a Dream, and shares her own little dream with you in 2007. Yes! It’s me again – Linna Fu. With time flying, my dreams going on, and today I am going to share my further dreams with you.


In the spring of 2007, I joined in BeiwaiOnline, and registered in Xiamen ZiXin Training Center. Looking back of these three years hard studying, I have achieved almost all of my goals after entering in BeiwaiOnline. Let me share my achievements with you as below:


Champion of Online Writing Competition in 2007;


Champion of Online Reading Competition in 2008;


Excellent Monitor of 2008 in ZiXin Training Center;


Active Participant of “Step by Step Online Oral-English Program” in 2008;


Excellent Student of Online Imitating American Recording Competition in 2009;


Excellent Graduate Student from BeiwaiOnline in 2010.


As one of long distance learners, I summarize that online learning needs great passion, persistence and patience, as well as organizing well of our spare time. Not all of students could be the best one, however, as long as you do your best - study with your passion and keep insisting of learning, finally you will realize that you gain something by gradually. Especially for language’s learning is a long way, we can not achieve something through shortcut; on the contrary, we need to be patience and study with self-management.


Actually, excepting the studying goals at BeiwaiOnline, I also keep a little secret. I hope to look for my Mr. Right through online studying. Because I am a Senior Merchandiser in our company, and I am very busy for daily work, recently I am going to be promoted to be Chief Leader of Sales Department. I spent almost all of my spare time on studying, and no time to date with guys. I hope that one day I could find out him and study together with him online; we could encourage each other through studying; we have the same topic of learning; we make progress at the same time…


On the evening of Nov. 6th 2009, I received a very special phone call. I thought that special man really came into my life. I fell in love with him by his attracting voice first, and after chatting, I noticed that he also has a great passion of studying, and he is an excellent student too. I am so happy to know him during my studying period online. We can achieve our study goals through long distance learning, and meantime, if we could find out our Mr. or Miss Right through learning. What a beautiful dream!


I am still a dreaming girl keeping many great ideas in my mind. I hope that one day I could be together with that special man if possible, and I want to go abroad for continuing my study some day even after graduation from BeiwaiOnline.


I always believe that learning is one part of my life; learning will become my whole-life good friend; learning can not stop in all of our life. Please keep your dreams while keeping learning!


Wishing all of students at BeiwaiOnline could achieve your goals through your hard studying; wishing all of your fantastic dreams come true sooner or later.


Thank you for reading my article, please just waiting, perhaps one day, I will come back again for bringing some more good news for you. J


Good Luck, my dear friends!

Yours sincerely,

Linna Fu



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