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Never ever give up hope

To be a dreamer, reach for the stars, and if you miss a star then you will grab a handful of clouds. As long as we persevere and endure, we can get anything we want. But sometimes, when the destiny is playing a joke with you, we have to play back with it even if you fail.

On the 6th of September 2008, with sounding cry my little twins came to the world. They were beautiful creatures created by God. I couldn’t wait to hold them in my arms even though I was still weak after giving birth. But after a comprehensive physical examination they had undergone, we got horrible news that one of my little girls suffered from congenital heart disease called TOF. We were told that it was the most serious cyanotic congenital heart disease, which has four common problems in her heart. To save her life, she has to undergo her first operation when she was 10months old. I still can remember how complex my feeling was and how my heart broke at that time. My sweet was just born but she had to suffer so much pain. Before the surgery, she had gone through the Life-threatening situation. She would die anytime due to hypoxia and insufficient blood supply. Because of the hypoxic, her skin was blue. But I had to wait patiently and protect her well until she was big enough to undertake the surgery.

After 10 months struggled with time, my little angel was big enough for the first surgery. She always smiled with optimism but she was scared and cried every time when seeing someone wearing white coat. She might not understand why they gave her an injection and draw her blood every time they approached her. Before we signed the surgery agreement, the doctor told us what the danger might happen, for instance, it might cause brain hypoxia or renal failure during the surgery. What should I do? The only thing I could do was to pretend that I was strong and patiently waited. Thank God, the surgery went well. After this surgery, she was out of danger temporarily. But the Radical surgery which is more dangerous has to be done when she grows older.

After the first surgery, she always got sick. An ordinary cold could always cause pneumonia and led to her hospitalization. She was braver than me, she didn’t cry anymore when she got injection, but I did. After she underwent the torture in hospital several times, I researched and studied how to adjust the diet to improve her immunity. It was my fault to let her suffer so much pain. I was willing to do everything for her to make her healthy and happy, even if took away my life to exchange hers.

Time flew; my little angel was growing up day by day. When she was 2years old, her doctor gathered all the professional colleagues and had a meeting to prepare for the last surgery. That was a final fight for all of us. After the anesthetic, they took away my baby from my arm, at that moment, tears rolled down from my eyes. This was the last chance to save her life, even if there was no one who could guarantee success.

That was the most difficult moment in my life. After ten hours, my baby was sent out with some machines from the surgery room. With blood transfusion, she was pale and her body was full of tubes for transfusing the blood from her chest. The dangerous period hasn’t passed, she was sent to CCU to be observed and cared in the nursery. I knew that when she woke up, there must be unbearable pain inside her body. But I trusted that she would overcome it. She was stronger than I thought. It turned out she didn’t disappoint me. After one week, the danger period had passed. She was transferred to ordinary ward. She finally made it. Before we left the hospital, doctor told us that she needed to come and check her heart every year to make sure it would function well,and suggested  that she can’t do excessive exercises. There might be a possibility to do another surgery when she becomes 16years old. I believe that whatever will happen to my daughter, she can face it and fix it with her faith. She is the special angel sent to me by god.

If you ask me what is my dream and goal for this year and following years? I would definitely say that it is the people who I love are and will still be alive and healthy around me. That will be the happiest thing in the world, and I am going to fight for it all the time.

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