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My journey

Time is gold if you grasp it, time is running water if you lose it. It is a good choice to spend some spare time learning something or expanding knowledge, after busy work. So I decided to start my journey. This is a wonderful journey,when I finished my assignment I can enjoy many extra sceneries;

The first scenery is “The Morning Reading Time” as you know Morning is the best time of a day to work. So it is very important for anyone to make good use of morning time. Fortunately,I had the pleasure of spending my morning time with some beautiful teachers ,I am able to study more easily with the help of them. Learning knowledge and enjoying life with them makes me relax and happy.

Practice makes perfect,if you want to speak a foreign language fluently, you must practice more and more. VOB program provide a chance to practice my spoken English with a native speaker. A beautiful girl named Fran, who helped me to practice my spoken English and correct my mistakes. It is honor for me to hear from her last year. She gave a great help on my study . I thank her from the bottom of my heart.

Of course, if you have a child, you can also take your child to learn together with you. Fran is very enthusiastic and very patient, she would talk to your child. It’s also a great chance for your child to improve their learning. When studying with your child, you are not only a good mother, but also a good teacher. That’s a wonderful thing in all the world. Do you agree?

Different people have some different ways to do something or learn something. So it is very important to choose a good and suitable ways to learn something. But sometimes as a learner we need some guidance to find some suitable ways we need. I have got great progress about my study after listening to Mr. Li’s method of learning, he taught me how to study well and efficiently.

You know, if you want to learn a foreign language, it is very important to pronounce correctly. However, it is difficult for me to pronounce especially the long words. Fortunately, with Mr. Sun’s “English pronunciation skills” I learned a lot. He illustrated the pronunciation with pictures .it is enough to make me learn easy just to look at these pictures. I feel that pronunciation is so easy and I’ll take it all to my heart.

Reading makes me happy, reading makes me relax, reading makes me acquire knowledge, reading make me understand the society better. A house without books is just like a body without soul. Look here, there are many kinds of books in front of me face. It is very convenient that I can read what I like. Reading more books to broaden my scope of knowledge and widen my horizon.

I believe “where there is a will, there is a way.” As long as you are willing to seed in spring, you must be able to celebrate the harvest of autumn. I will celebrate my harvest from my journey.

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