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It is never too old to learn: to live and to cherish

I enrolled in Beijing Foreign Studies University Online Institute last autumn, after I celebrated my 40th birthday. A bit too old, eh? The reasons might include a long list: working for a foreign company; needing to improve my English; well-designed courses by a brand name university; flexible and affordable online learning; besides, a possible diploma in English, which will greatly satisfy my vanity. On top of all that, to earn a BA degree of English is among my bucket list, which I made on my 40th birthday.

Sure, English is of extreme importance in this modern world. But the point is that I do love the English language per se. Deeply moved by the English classic novels such as the Catcher in the Rye, the Godfather, etc., I decided to explore more of the exciting world of English. I appreciate the proverb by Wittgenstein: the limits of my language are the limits of my world.

And I love this flexible online learning experience. You don’t even have to worry that you are gonna be late for school, and you don’t have to sit in the classroom 9 to 5. I can study at any time, from anywhere, at my own pace. I admit that face to face classroom teaching is also very important, and this online course does provide such opportunity on every Saturday; I just don’t have time. Almost all my weekends (if I have) have been devoted to my family. No big deal, the course’s online recorded video will make some compensation. Anyway, I love online learning. Actually, I have already passed several MOOCs (massive open online courses) held by Coursera or edX.

However, a plain English degree is definitely not the only thing that I am looking for. This is a university, so enjoy my university life and create good memories! I have been trying to participate in all kinds of activities such as volunteer for the Beijing Foreign Language Festival. My wife even brought our kindergarten son to Chaoyang Park to cheer me as a volunteer on Sunday. And I got to know each of my team members from different walks of life; isn’t that a wonderful by-product of university life?

Yes, very busy for a man in his middle ages: work, family, social responsibilities, etc. I am rather old compared with the classmates I met during the opening ceremony, but that is just why I must study very hard. I was studying when I was ten (as is everybody), and when I was twenty (in university, as are most people), and when I was thirty (pursing my doctoral degree, as are some of the people, perhaps), and when I am now forty (as maybe just a few). I am almost certain that I will still be studying when I turn 50, 60, 70…It is never too old to learn. We have only one life, so if there is something that is really interesting, challenging while achievable, just take it.

To live and to cherish.


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