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I am MISS MAJIA studying at Beiwaionline BFSU.  As a LEFTOVER LADY, I am free on weekends, no kids or family to take care of, so my original purposes to join BFSU were killing time and expecting to meet MR. RIGHT in my class, who knows ?

BUT on the first day I entered the classroom, Inoticed that 99.8% English learning sutdents were ladies, 0.2% were men, but married men...... oh, GOD!!! One of my two dreams was crushed.....I even could hear the voice of crush in my heart......

After few weeks learning, I found that I enjoyed the English learning now. It is not killing time for me any more. I do love it.

I work for an organic pesticide company, which export botanical insecticides, fungicides to many countries in the world, so I listen to“world-wide english” in my job, Japanese-English, Korean-English, Indian-English, Vietnam-English, South American-English, Arabic-English, etc.. The most difficult English to understand for me is Indian-English. Indian accents can be characterized by the fact that speakers retroflex their consonants. When Indian shakes his head, I suppose he means NO, but he means YES, and I always look puzzled whenever at this time.

After the “baptism” of the world-wide accents English, I joined Beiwaionline, where I attend the tutorials every week. My first feeling is the context of text books is very useful in the real life. For example,  I have learned the names for different kinds of clothes, buildings, house applications, how to tell the directions and locations of buildings, how to get around in the city, etc. This is quite different from the baby language I used in the past. I can speak English now, and speak it CORRECTLY, and my next target is to speak it elegantly-and-fluently.

Besides what I mentioned above, learning in the groups, attending VOB every fortnight, joining the tutorial every week, talking with teachers face to face, etc., all of those keep me happy. I wouldn't feel left out like what I experienced in SELF-TAUGHT ENGLISH LEARNING, and I don’t need to worry or be anxious about the final exams as I did in SELF-TAUGHT LEARNING, because BFSU online learning is not exam-oriented. That is why I am relaxed and really enjoy the English learning at BFSU.

What i think most in my job is HOW TO MAKE MONEY. Sometimes I feel lost, so another reason that the class interested me is I can seat down with a peace of mind and listen to MRS. FENGXU explain an English poem to us. I was deeply moved by the poem, tears standing in the eyes after I understand it. Thepoem is as below.

“we didnt know much about each other twenty years ago.

We were guided by our intuition;

You swept me off my feet.

Years passed,

Kids came,

Good times,

Hard times,

But never bad times.

Our love and respect has endured and grown.

We’ve been through

so much together

And here we are right back

Where we started

20 years ago

--older, wiser--

With wrinkles on

Our faces and hearts.

We now know many of life’s joys,

Sufferings, secrets, and wonders and

We’re still here together.

My feet have never returned to the ground.”

After our teacher MRS. FENGXU came back from INTERNATIONAL READING CONFERENCE in US, she shared with us what had impressed her a lot about the reading in the meeting and also told us “starts reading, and its going to change the direction of your life.” I like my job and want to be more qualified in my position. So besides the learning in the school, I start to read more technical documents about my products in my work. It is not easy, but important as start it under the suggestion of my teacher. And she also told us there were 2 ways of learning a language : learning at school and learning from the life. I am learning English at BFSU, then practice it in my work, after that I read more technical papers and practice in the work again, so I am more qualified in my position and more confident when I have meetings with my clients now.

All in all, studying English atBeiwaionline does help me a lot in my career, although I didn’t find my MR. RIGHT there, it leads me to a larger colorful world. I am learning happily at Beiwaionline!


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