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Beiwai, another milestone in my life.



Beiwai, a place where I ever seen in my dream. The first time I heard about it, it was my high school English teacher’s lesson, from then on, I had very good image about it. But I thought it was far beyond my dream, impossible for me to join Beiwai. Since I start my work, I realized that English become a vital role in my daily job. The latest technology, the most attractive position, English is essential. In 2004, I found Beiwaionline occasionally. I could not help myself to shout “ that’s what I want”. The purpose may vary from person to person, someone may just want diploma, but for me, I need to improve my English ability and take the English as my weapon. Unfortunately, I could not apply Beiwaionline immediately due to the fact that I had poor financial condition and my parents’ debt at that time, till 2012, I finally made it. Why I choose Beiwaionline? Because I read excellent students’ history from Beiwaionline website, I could tell how they excited and what they could learn from Beiwaionline, such as spoken English, Listening skills and written English skills rather than Beiwai’s reputation, so did I.


After studying in Beiwaionline for more than one year. I am very satisfied about it.
Without any doubt, learning in Beiwaionline is not as easy as learning in the University, especially for me, a father of a six year old daughter. So the time management is a key ability. Because we have to catch the Beiwaionline’s study progress and finish the assignments , self-test, further more, we need to do pre-study and to master what we have learnt. For me, I usually start my English study from 6 o’clock in each morning, and last for 1 or 2 hours, it’s not too bad, my memory power at the peak time, I learn words, phrases and finish the assignments or self-test according to the Beiwaionline’s timeline. That’s piece walk if you can manage your time well. I also focus on pre-study, before each class, I do skim and scan the textbook, then mark the knowledge point such as key phrases and grammar difficulties by different color pen. Then I will pay more attention for these during the lesson and I will ask questions to the teacher for more clarification. So my English textbooks are always swarmed with colors. By this way, you will get deep memories and your study will become more efficiently. Regarding the spoken English, I think the best way is reading your textbook loudly, silent reading is not recommended. Also you should manage to find opportunities to practice your oral English with your partners. Also, I am glad to share one of my secrets, I found that my daughter also been influenced by my loudly spoken English, because she can hear my voice every morning and she always try to imitate my voice, then she becomes more and more curious about English. “How to say this in English”, she often asks me, and sometimes I can not answer her immediately, that’s too embarrassed. It seems her English learning enthusiasm is higher than mine.


Now I become more and more confident about my English ability, I become more motivated to chat with my foreign colleagues, and I don’t feel hesitated to use English during the conference meeting any more. I am really grateful for Beiwaionline’s comprehensive English courses. I believe that I can get more achievements along with the Beiwaionline studying road.


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