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Dream Sheds Light on Reality



All of my days, we learned at school or teaching in home, we never thought about the distance learn, especially distance learn English.


Learning English online is very helpful on me, because I am an internship and I don’t have much time. So in my time, I just learn online. I talked with my partners by VOB or MSN and solved the problem with course.


I always talked with my friend in English by VOB. At start, we just talked some simple topic and accumulate over a long period, we can expound the view to the news. An old word, more hasty, less speed.


Specking in English fluency talk with nature speaker that is my dream. I got a chance on my business trip.


In March, I went to the Shanghai for the Book Fair. During the time, we faced the customer who is foreigner, besides we need introduce our book, our company for them in English. At the beginning, I was shy to speak to with the foreigner, I was afraid they hard to know what I mean and I worried about they unwilling to talk to me. I’m very awkward. But I have a strong thinking to talk with him. I can’t do nothing, can’t again so.


So I tried to communicate with someone, when I don’t understand, I always asked him to speak more slowly. About a month after the Book Fair, I am confident in English.


I have a dream, he who has hope, has everything. I speaking in English right now, when some customer ask me about the information of the books or our company, I’d glad to answer him.


I thought, dream just like a sweet cake but you need to do something, and then you maybe get it. I want to pass the English to succeed. It’s like a bridge, you on the bridge, dream will be come true.


For the love of dream, so everything for the dream to pay is worth it.


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