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My Dream



“I have a dream”, Martin Luther King’s speech has always been inspired me. And I chase my dream all the time. But, what’s my dream?


I have been a student in BFSU for over two months, and I was lucky enough to obtain the opportunity to study English again.


Two months ago, I can hardly speak in English with confidence, and even can’t express what I want to say. But now, I can speak to my friends and even foreigners confidently, although it’s just a short period of learning.


During the two months, I usually spend one to two hours on studying at night and take face-to-face courses on weekends. Maybe someone thinks that it makes me tired, but I have to say, no! On the contrary, it brings a great sense of fullness.


I do enjoy the moment I study in my bedroom, which is no more than 5m². I can reading, listening, and imitating without any disturbing, of course, speaking in the morning.
So I can open my mouth confidently. I have stepped the first step to my dream!


The teacher of our class is so nice, too. She gives lessons vividly, and answers our questions patiently. We can practice our oral English in pairs. All of us like her so much! And it seems that the books are particular designed for us! 


In April, my boss asked me to take the reception of the foreign guests; I was so excited because it’s the first time for me to use English in such a formal occasion. Fortunately, I have learned some useful expressions and I can speak English more fluent than before. I know, it’s not perfect at all because of my English limited, but I really had a great time with my foreign customers, and to some degree, it’s a success for me, isn’t it?


A couple of weeks ago, I was arranged to attend an exhibition, which was held by Germany, and I can communicate with German in English, I was so glad at that time. And that’s why I strengthen my faith to study English no matter how busy and tired I am. I know, the better I learn English, the closer I get to my dream. I am eager to be an excellent business woman, who can communicate with foreign customers fluently, and maybe go abroad.


What our university offers is of great useful to achieve my dream, and just one sentence can express my emotion to BFSU, that is “Love you more than I can say”.


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