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The beginning of the new distance learning



To begin with I would like to say thanks to Beiwaionline, you offer such an excellent and responsible studying atmosphere to those who want to improve English skills and get a professional English diploma.  


I still remembered clearly the opening ceremony of our new term on 10th March. Professor Cao, Ms. Feng and Ms. Jiang, all of them spoke fluent English. They gave us a lot of useful information about the distance learning courses. They encouraged us to stick to the bottom due to this is a kind of new study style by the Internet rather than the traditional ones. And for me, I wait for this moment nearly three years.


From this new starting point, I must make full use of the next three years. The college supplies rich learning resources for us, such as recorded video, VOB, BBS and face to face class on Saturday and Sunday. I make a plan for myself ,firstly, I copy some beautiful texts , words and phrases on my small pocketbook , and what’s more I download lots of listening materials. Secondly, in order to enhance my speaking ability I get up at five o’clock and do more than one hour reading. And in addition, do another half an hour morning running because as far as I know I am a sport girl, I love running especially the long distance running. I enjoy the sweaty feeling.


And I practice oral English with my new learning partner—Alicia through Wechat when we are free, the most popular and convenient communication tool. As you know, our face to face class is very active and interesting. We divide the class into small groups to discuss our topics. I was lucky enough to meet my beautiful partner. Beyond my imagination she has been a mother for a three years’ baby girl. At first she did not tell me and after the self-introduction I got that. She is very young and slim, she always wears a pair of black glass and has a medium pony tail. And she likes jeans very much She is optimistic and easy-going. Each time we can finish our tasks completely and successfully.


I always put up my hands and ask for questions positively just like come back my college life. I enjoy the moment when we speak English although I make some mistakes from time to time. In my mind, there are no mistakes and there are no achievements. Some of us are shy and not enough confident but with the help of our teachers and classmates, most of them are full of confidence now.


I am delighted that I can learn English from the experienced and responsible teachers. And I am proud that I have been a member of Beiwaionline.


At last I believe I will have a pleasant and meaningful studying journey with our beautiful teachers and our ambitious classmates. Wish all of us enjoy it.


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