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讲座名称:Writing in a Second Language
主 讲 人:Professor 
时    间: 2016年3月15日至4月26日 每周二上午8:00-9:50
地    点: 北京外国语大学东院 逸夫楼202教室
This course focuses on two aspects of research, practice and theories related to writing in a second or additional language: (1) personal characteristics, local communities, developmental processes, and societal contexts for writing in second languages and (2) curriculum, teaching, and assessment for writing in second languages.
Course schedule and topics are as follows:
Section 1  Contexts, populations, and development of L2 writing.
March 15.  What is unique to writing in a second language for children and adolescents?
March 22.  What is unique to writing in a second language for students in colleges or universities?
March 29.  What is unique to writing in a second language for adults at work?
April 5.  How does L2 writing develop?
Section 2  Teaching, organizing, and assessing L2 writing.
April 12.  How should teachers organize L2 writing courses?
April 19.  How should teachers evaluate students’ writing in a second language?
April 26.  How should teachers respond to students’ writing in a second language?


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