首页 > 意大利都灵联合国暑期夏令营之旅8月13日英文版

Monday Again ——The second week

On the first day of the second week, saying goodbye to Venice and Outlet, we sat back in the conference of Piemonte again, ready to have a lecture by two experts.

The theme of today’s lecture was Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability and the key word CSR was kept in mind deeply after the lecture.

Professor Samuel Idowu from London first explained what CSR was and why CSR was introduced, then the conditions of CSR in different parts of history, which gave us a whole picture of CSR. After the coffee break, Professor Rene Schmiteter from Germany introduced the management of CSR both in a theoretical and practical way. According to the data, corporations emphasize CSR tent to succeed more easily. Some instances given inspired us like the design of brakes are to make the cars go faster not just for safety. At the end of the lecture, students asked questions and made a heated discussion. Mr. Zu also mentioned the useful mind sets which benefited us a lot.

In the afternoon, we had classes in two different classrooms. One was taught by Linda Deleen and Margarita Lalagan named Start and Improve Business Game. During the class, every student was engaged in a business decision whether it was how many rare materials should be bought or when to sell their products. This kind of engagement helped us know more about how the business worked and get familiar about making business decisions.

The other class was taught by Rene Schmiteter called Business and Management Education: the European Experience. In class, everybody was assigned into one group and was led to start his own corporation. Group discussion and designing the  products of one’s own company as well as talking with the simulated HR was an interesting experience. Practice based on theories benefited us a lot.

At 8.30 p.m., all members gathered in the bar and a marvelous consort was lauched by talented teachers and students. Among various programmes, candidates from BFSU performed well with their well prepared programmes like Hongyan, City of Stars, Sanguoyanyi and an Italian song.

8.13   邵子苏

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