首页 > 意大利都灵联合国暑期夏令营之旅8月20日英文版

Time flies, today is the third week of our participation in the UN summer camp, the study of the course is nearing the end, but the level of excitement is not diminished. In the morning,there is a lecture given by Alessandra Merlo named Introduction to Project Cycle Mangement, from project definition, project type, project cycle management, project examples, project performance, project cycle, stakeholder analysis, target group analysis, problem analysis, In terms of goal setting and substitution analysis, we have learned about the cyclical management of the project and it benefited us a lot.

In the afternoon, it was a sub-forum. I chose Linde Deelen's Women Entrepreneurship. First, Linda asked us to use the voter to participate in discussions about gender equality, course objectives, etc. Then Linda showed us a series of charts and data of the status quo of women entrepreneurship and recommended a book for us. Later, we used scene performance to show the difficulties and hardships of women's entrepreneurship. Finally, we also did some group activities.

In the evening, Zheng Rui, a teacher from Zhejiang University, gave us a calligraphy practice class. Everyone completed a good calligraphy work under the guidance of the teacher and their own efforts.

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