第二章:学士论文写作目的和意义 (Significance)

发布时间: 2004-09-10 17:33   来源:
Thesis writing aims to achieve the following goals: You learn to independently study a very concrete, specific question related to your subject area and to demonstrate self-motivation and self-discipline in your research. You gain an opportunity to examine some fundamental issues concerning the current states of your chosen subject, the problem of your work, and the developmental directions of your subject. You learn to acquire information from primary sources, such as questionnaire surveys, interviews, observations, etc, and from credible secondary sources, such as newspapers, magazines, journals, etc. After sufficiently narrowing down your topic, you learn to turn your narrowed subject into either the question that you most want to answer or the question which arises naturally from your topic. The thesis must be oriented entirely toward finding an answer to this question. You learn not simply to accept the answers your sources offer, but to interpret the facts and your sources' views, to identify further questions that arise, and if need be, to revise your original question and correspondingly reorient your thesis. You learn to write in a formal, objective style, to convey a body of knowledge and factual information, to examine analytically this information's strengths and weaknesses, to isolate the most sharply disputed aspect as the “thesis statement,” and to recognize the structure which springs naturally from your topic and which substantiates the thesis statement. Doing research is a requirement of higher education. You are only qualified to be admitted to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts at the completion of all the required courses and a thesis. dsvdfkvnf ehcsdjchdbsfjvd sd.kjncdsdsfvsdfv



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