
发布时间: 2005-04-22 11:55   来源:
讲 座 人:Pro. Stuart Campbell Professor Stuart Campbell is the Head of the School of Languages and Linguistics at the University of Western Sydney, Australia, where he has responsibility for programs in interpreting/translation, modern languages and TESOL. He has researched and published in such areas as translation theory, language planning, assessment, and Arabic linguistics. His special interest in translation studies is the development of translation competence into English as a second language. He studied at the Polytechnic of Central London (now University of Westminster), the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, the Australian National University, Sydney Teachers College and the University of Sydney, where he was awarded a PhD in Linguistics. 讲座时间:2005年4月27日(周三)16:30—17:30 讲座题目:Research Priorities in Translation and Linguistics 讲座地点:北外东院逸夫楼116教室 届时,北外网院将进行网上直播,敬请关注!



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