GLoCALL 2012 Conference & 2012 International Symposium on CALL
(2012年10月18 日—10月20日, 中国·北京)
大会主旨发言人Mark Warschauer, Françoise Blin和Peter Gobel将在10月18日上午举行有关计算机辅助外语教学的工作坊。在4个小时之内,学员不仅能够与CALL领域前沿专家进行零距离地接触,了解CALL的最新进展,而且将通过实际操作,掌握CALL的最新研究成果在教学中的应用。会前工作坊只对参会者开放,不另收费用,由于机房位置有限,采取先报名先登记的形式。
会上宣读的优秀论文经过审核,将收入国际CALL期刊:Computer-Assisted Language Learning-Electronical Journal(CALL-EJ), International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), 以及 Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL) (国内唯一的一本刊登用英语写成的有关外语教学与研究论文的学术期刊)。对于特别优秀的论文,向国际SSCI学术期刊Language Learning & Technology(LLT),Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL)推荐。
- 新技术与外语教育
- 计算机辅助外语教学的基础设施和环境构建
- 计算机辅助外语教学与外语教师教育
- 计算机辅助外语教学与网络教育
- 计算机辅助外语教学的课件
- 计算机辅助外语教学的评价
- 学习者的研究
- 学习模态的研究
- 基于网络资源的外语学习
- 基于语料库的语言研究和教学
- 计算机辅助二语习得
- 计算机辅助二语研究
2011年11月28日 |
接收论文摘要 |
2012年6月30日 |
摘要提交截止 |
2012年7月30日 |
发布参会邀请 |
2012年8月1日 |
发言人注册截止 |
2012年8月30日 |
普通参会注册截止 |
2012年9月15日 |
发布大会日程 |
2012年10月17日 |
报到接待 |
2012年10月18-20日 |
会期 |
1. 会议内容为专家主旨发言(每人50分钟)、论文宣读(每篇30-35分钟)、专题研讨(80-90分钟)和海报展。
- 请在2012年6月30日前将英文提要(250词)提交大会审核,摘要需包含3—5个关键词。
- 会议语言为英语,发言人需自行准备PPT参会。
- 参会者需要在大会网站注册,现场缴费。会务费为1200元/人,研究生持证为800元/人。
- 往返会议的交通费及会间食宿费用自理。
邮件咨询:conference@beiwaionline.com 大会组委会
Mark Warschauer ![]() |
教授,加利福尼亚大学教育和信息学博士,曾先后在中国、日本、新加坡、印度、墨西哥、巴西、俄国,捷克和埃及执教。Mark Warschauer是国际SSCI学术期刊Language Learning & Technology journal的创刊者和主编,2011年出版新书Learning in the Cloud: How (and Why) to Transform Schools with Digital Media,在国内外计算机辅助外语教学领域引起广泛影响,是CALL领域的重要专家。
Françoise Blin |
教授,教育技术博士,现任教于都柏林城市学院应用语言和跨文化研究学院,除英语课程,她还教授技术类法语课程。Françoise Blin目前致力于文化历史活动理论的应用(CHAT)和Engeström的理论,专注于CALL(计算机辅助外语教学)研究的应用。此外,她还是欧洲计算机辅助外语教学协会(EUROCALL)的主席,兼任剑桥大学ReCALL杂志的编辑。在CALL领域做出了突出的贡献。
Peter Gobel |
教授,执教于京都产业大学文化研究学院,兼任日本坦普尔大学讲师。Peter Gobel 教授在日本生活20多年,曾在东南亚地区进行过多次教师培训类的工作坊,具有很高的知名度。他目前从事LMS (学习管理系统)与自主泛读和阅读和听力教程的整合研究,学生对教育技术的态度等。相关研究领域还包括语言学习策略的使用和认知、焦虑和动机在语言学习中的作用、社会和文化因素对教学和语言学习的影响。Peter Gobel 教授非常注重教学实践,在教育技术研究方面成果丰硕,特别是指导教师计算机教学方面的经验非常丰富。
顾曰国 |
董剑桥 |
GLoCALL 2012 Conference & 2012 International Symposium on CALL
[October 18th — 20th, 2012 Beijing, China]
The Online Education Institute of Beijing Foreign Studies University (known as Beiwai Online), and the Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics of Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP) will jointly host the “GLoCALL 2012 Conference & 2012 International Symposium on CALL”. This conference will be a continuance of the exclusively high-level 2006 International Symposium on CALL, but also the first GLoCALL annual conference of in China. The conference aims to explore how technology can be adapted to better meet the local needs of students and teachers, while at the same time providing global perspectives on computer-assisted language learning (CALL); and to bring the technology within the reach of local teachers who wish to develop their professionalism in CALL.
On October 18, CALL experts Mark Warschauer, Françoise Blin and Peter Gobel will present at pre-conference workshops themed around CALL from 8:00-12:00am. The workshop is open to conference participants only. We welcome researchers, teachers, and practioners in CALL to join us.
Selected papers will either be published in some of these journals: Computer-Assisted Language Learning-Electronical Journal (CALL-EJ), International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching (IJCALLT), and Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL), or will be recommended toLanguage Learning & Technology(LLT), Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), both international academic journals indexed by SSCI.
We invite presentations on topics relevant (not limited) to the following:
- New technology and foreign language education
- CALL environment
- CALL & L2 teacher education
- CALL & online education
- CALL courseware
- CALL evaluation
- CALL learners
- Modality of learning
- Web-based & resource-driven learning
- Corpus-based & data-driven learning
- Computer applications in second language acquisition
Important Dates Presentation Format
Keynote speeches (50 minutes)
Paper sessions (35 minutes)
Workshops (80-90 minutes)
Symposia (80 minutes)
Language of Presentation
Working Language
November 28,2011 |
Opening of proposal submission |
June 30,2012 |
Deadline for proposal submission |
July 30,2012 |
Notices of acceptance sent out |
August 1st,2012 |
Deadline for speaker pre-registration |
August 30,2012 |
Deadline for general pre-registration |
September 15,2012 |
Release of a preliminary conference program |
October 17, 2012 |
Reception day |
October 18, 2012 |
Pre-conference workshops, Plenaries & concurrent sessions |
October 19-20, 2012 |
Plenaries & concurrent sessions |
- Please submit an English abstract with around 250 words and 3-5 keywords at the conference website before June 30, 2012 through email or online.
- The registration fee is 1200 RMB for general participants, and 800 RMB for graduate students. The registration fee needs to be paid onsite. Participants should pay for their own travel and accommodation fees.
- For any queries please call 010-88810163-8317 or email to conference@beiwaionline.com.
Plenary Speakers
Mark Warschauer ![]() |
Mark Warschauer is Professor of Education and Informatics at the University of California, Irvine, and director of the university's Ph.D. in Education program. Previously, he has taught or conducted research in Japan, China, Singapore, India, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, the Czech Republic, and Egypt. Professor Warschauer is the founder and co-editor of Language Learning & Technology journal. His most recent book is Learning in the Cloud: How (and Why) to Transform Schools with Digital Media (Teachers College Press, 2011).
Françoise Blin |
Françoise Blin teaches in the School of Applied Language and Intercultural Studies at Dublin City University, She holds a PhD in Educational Technology from the Open University (UK) and her current research interests focus on the applications of Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) and Engeström’s theory of expansive learning to CALL research, development and practice in emerging language learning environments. She is the President of the European Association for Computer Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) and co-editor of ReCALL (published by Cambridge University Press).
Peter Gobel |
Peter Gobel is a professor in the Faculty of Cultural Studies at Kyoto Sangyo University, as well as a Lecturer at Temple University, Japan. He has given teacher-training workshops in many parts of Southeast Asia. Dr. Gobel’s present research is concerned with the integration of LMS in self-access extensive reading and reading while listening programs, and student attitudes towards technology in education. Related areas of interest include the use and acquisition of language learning strategies; anxiety and motivation in language learning; and social and cultural factors affecting teaching and language learning.
顾曰国 |
Yueguo Gu is a research professor of linguistics, and head of the Contemporary Linguistics Department, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is also Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Beijing Foreign Studies University, and Founding Dean of the Institute of Online Education and Guest Professor of the University of Nottingham. His research interests include pragmatics, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, rhetoric, the philosophy of language and online education.
董剑桥 |
Jianqiao Dong is a professor in the Faculty of English at Jiangnan University, and Dean of School of Foreign Studies since 2005. His current research interests focus on the applications of new technology and foreign language education, development of CALL environment and visualization design for CALL.
Organizing Committee
April, 2012
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