A Shared Success through Shared Effort
Sun Juan
One term after one term, one course after another, to me, passing them is like leaping over the barriers in a hurdles race. There is a difference in this race though: that the course becomes harder each one after another makes the barrier’s bar set higher and higher all the way down. Meanwhile, the limitations and difficulties we distant learners are faced with have never stopped their parts in increasing the bar. So the situation creates the distinction in the athletes, herein distant learners with Beiwaionline, you can say it’s ultimately still a contest, but to most of us, this competition is more about racing with individual’s time, energy, learning-will rather than competing with other athletes. Nonetheless, I am not downgrading the significance of other athletes; on the contrary, I would doubt my success of last leap if without them ever had being study pals, team partners of mine who share every memory and moment of us learning together.
Since we teamed, varieties of learning approaches have been being exercised-learn together through weekly VOB/Voice Of Beiwaionline, discussions in tutorial classes, views exchange of all kinds relating to study, acting out plays, recitation and many other practices etc. On the other hand, friends are made through these experiences. The utmost joy and support I have had so far are from these friends. They have inspired and encouraged me in different ways which drives me move on and catch up. In the early stage of CAFÉ VOB, S and Y made their presence every time and were very active in interactive practices; then X joined with his stunning command of the language; J a 60th’s with her different stories and perspectives touched me with nostalgia; later Z from the southeast of China, holds big job and dreams high; M spoke in blissful voice but she quit the study later; H and her sweet, soothing messages picture for me the same sweet face to which I’ve never got the chance to meet, and still many others…
I am far more grateful to what I have attained from the learning process. Yet looking further, one year ‘race’ waits to be hurdled and to beat it down, friends, team up!
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