
发布时间: 2010-12-09 14:52   来源: 北外网院


I live in Nanhui of Pudong ,but the tutorial classes hold in the Shanghai normal university of Puxi side, so every Sunday I need to take the bus to get into metro station ,and then I exchange subway to Puxi side. It takes about two hours to get into the tutorial center. but I always attend the tutorials.

It's not easy for working pepole to take the class.....anyway I try my best to accompany all the subjects, final I passed the final exams. So I felt very happy.

The new year it's coming I still have one more year study ,it's ox year I should work harder like ox.

Hopefully I can learn more knoledge of English in new year.



院长信箱: yzxx@beiwaionline.com      合作信箱: hezuo@beiwaionline.com

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